2022 Outdoor Grow Guide
(For the best grow of your life)
*Coming soon*​
Natural Farming
If you are new to fermentation it can be overwhelming!
New TO Fermentation? Start here!
LABS - Lacto Acid Bacteria Serum
LABS are a rod-shaped bacterium which produces lactic acid from the fermentation of carbohydrates
A) Your first and one of your primary ferments is LABS.
B) LABS break down organic material into usable components for your plants to uptake.
C) *Don't throw away your rice wash in this step but instead prepare your IMO instead. (zero waste)
IMO - Indigenous Micro Organisms
IMO is a collection of your local area microbes for that are already acclimated to your area.
A) When you made your LABS you had 2 cups of left over rice from the rice wash. Use this to make your IMO.
B) IMO Collection will improve your soils ability to break down local organic materials in your local climate.
C) You can use a wood box, reed box, bamboo or other. Plastic can be used but it not recommended.
FJP / FFJ - Fermented Plant Juice
As your IMO is collecting lets start a Fermented Plant Juice and Fermented Fruit Juice.
A) FPJ for Vegetative phases and FFJ for Fruiting and transitioning phases.
B) FPJ is the same process as FFJ so I recommend doing both either at the same time or as your next batch.
Quick Summary to this point -
-LABS are fermenting as your primary ferment which will provide probiotic breakdown of organic materials.
-Rice that was left over from LABS is used to collect IMO for indigenous microbes.
-FPJ and FFJ are fermenting to aid in your vegetative and flowering stages.
FPE / FFE - Fermented Plant Extract
Fermented Plant Extract and Fermented Fruit Extract are both done the same and are a Lacto based ferment.
A) These are closed ferments meaning they must be in an air tight container with an airlock.
B) The Lacto readily breed in this environment and with the molasses as their food source they break everything down into usable materials.
C) FPE's support Vegetative Growth while FFE's Support the flower stages.
D) Use FPE/FFE alongside FPJ/FFJ as a fermentation cocktail for top drenching living soils.
*Note* FPJ's and FPE's can also be made out of flowering plants to produce a flowering FPJ/FPE

KNF vs Lacto How do they differ
KNF uses brown sugar to drop the osmatic pressure low enough to allow osmosis to occur thus extracting the nutrients.
Lacto Ferments like an FPE use specific bacteria (LABS) to "digest" the materials down to a serum that is ready for plant uptake.
A) Both are great inputs however FPE's for me are less messy and provide an amazing fertilizer. FPJ style ferments may have more diverse bacteria to offer but I only the microscope will tell.
B) I recommend you make both and use them as a cocktail of ferments for diversity of microbes.
FAA - Fish Amino Acids
Your next chapter you will enter into the realm of fish. Fish provide special nutrients, a great source of nitrogen, and so much more.
A) This is nearly the same as an FPJ or FFJ however you have to let it sit for right around 6 months.
B) I have discovered a way to make those 6 months reduce to around 1 month by first creating a pineapple FFJ/FFE and adding that to the ferment allowing the fermentation process to quicken do to the protease enzymes ability to break down aminos.
C) FAA are great for vegetative growth and provide amazing nitrogen and other minerals
Fish Hydrolysate/ Fish emulation
Fish Hydrolysate is an amazing fish fertilizer that is similar to an FAA but utilizes both brown sugar to first reduce osmotic pressure, and molasses to feed Lacto microbes for breaking down the fish materials.
A) Usually these take between 3 and 6 months however again if you use Pineapple FFJ or FFE you can utilize the protease to break things down much quicker. Right around 30 days.
B) This is another anaerobic ferment and must be in an air tight container with an airlock.
Bokashi is an amazing fertilizer and is very easy to make in only a few steps.
A) Make your Lacto serum to inoculate the carbon source. 3tbsp Labs 3tbsp Molasses dissolved into 1 gallon of water.
B) Take any carbon source. (Peat, coco, woodchips, leaves, rice bran) Pack a 3" layer into a 5 gallon bucket.
C) Add enough serum to moisten but not saturate. Continue this procedure until you reach the top of the bucket.
D) Add the lid and airlock to keep it anaerobic. Now let it ferment for several months.
*This is another closed ferments meaning they must be in an (nearly) air tight container with an airlock.
Final summary
By now if you have done all the ferments in the list you should be a seasoned fermenter, and once you run through this cycle a few times it should become second nature. Here is a list of all you have learned and what it is used for.
A) LABS are your workhorse to breakdown organic materials into usable components. This should be used all the way through the grow process and stopped within the last 2 to 3 weeks of flower for ripening.
B) FPJ / FFJ - Provide nutrients, microbes, enzymes and more. FPJ are primarily for vegetative growth unless you fermented a flowering plant. FFJ are used for transition and fruiting period.
C) FPE / FFE are both Lacto Ferments and are done anaerobic with airlock. They can to be used in conjunction with FPJ / FFJ for a cocktail of ferments that will provide a complete microbiome.
D) FAA is fermented fish and it's sister Fish Hydrolysate / Fish Emulation are variations of this fermentation that will give you a more complete extract. Pineapple can aid in this process.
E) Bokashi is your soils best friend. When a carbon source is inoculated and fermented over time it stores those microbes in the carbon hotel until you distribute it as a top dress, soil amendment, or compost booster.
These tools should give you all you need to keep a complete garden without the need of bottled nutrients or any other ferments. However I always encourage everyone to learn as much as they can about all types of fermentation styles. Which gives us a more complete understanding and a better well rounded approach to nature. Use these ferments with your living soil for optimum results. I hope this helped you on your journey.