2022 Outdoor Grow Guide
(For the best grow of your life)
*Coming soon*​
Natural Farming

What is Fermented Plant Extract??
FPE / FFE are Lactobacillus based extracts. Using LABS you can extract the full potential of the plant. By adding LABS and Molasses in an anaerobic environment the Labs can feed readily and replicate quickly. The lacto then feed on the plant matter and as a result extract there active compounds making them readily available for plant uptake. (Remember to make FFE use fruit instead of plant material, use FPE during vegetative growth and FFE during flowering / fruiting periods.
How to Prepare FPE/FFE??
(STEP 1)
Prepare your Lacto Serum
For Every 1 Gallon of water Use
3 Tbsp LABS (How to make LABS)
3 Tbsp Molasses
(Combine in a 1 gallon container and shake until completely dissolved)

(STEP 2)
Prepare Plant Material / Fruit
Cut plant material or if doing FFE fruit into 2" squares or less!!! Pack plant / fruit material into a container that is airtight and can be readily sealed. Leave at least 2"s from the top of the container for rise.

(STEP 3)
Put it all together and let it work it's magic.
Pour Lacto Serum over the plant material or fruit until it completely covers the plant material by 1/2 inch.
***Important Note: Lacto ferments are meant to be anaerobic and require you to seal the lid air tight and will work best with an airlock to prevent back pressure.***
**Let this sit for about 2 weeks!!! Strain off solids and use in soil drenches at 1 to 2 tsp per gallon. Add the solids you strained off to your Organic Living Soil batch and allow it to cook with your mix!! This will release more microbes into your soil)**