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2022 Outdoor Grow Guide
(For the best grow of your life)
*Coming soon*​
Natural Farming

Fish Hydrolysate (Vegetative Nutrient)

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- Weigh Fish and notate weight
- Blend fish in Blender and add to measuring cup. Notate measure.
- Weigh brown sugar at 1/3rd the weight of fish and add to blender.
-Add 3 Parts Water for every 1 Part Fish you measured in measuring cup. (example if fish blended equals 2 cups add 6 Cups water)
Add Labs at 6 TBSP PER GALLON of Blended Mix and blend.
**Allow Fermentation from 30 up to 90 days. You will know it's done by the smell**
2 TSP per gallon of water for a light feeding. up to 6 TSP for a heavy drench.

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