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Waste Not Want Not


3 Commonly discarded things that can be used in the Garden

1) Boiled Egg Water


Yes that's right, when you boil your eggs save the water and add to a 5 gallon bucket when you water your plants. It will boost calcium and make use of some otherwise wasted mineral water. (And don't forget the shells!!) Collect Shells and - feed to worms, add to soil mix, or Make Cal / Phos mostly Cal in this case by covering shells with Vinegar. (BRV, ACV, or BNV) and allowing to sit for several months to dissolve.

2) Rice Wash Water


If your all good to go on LABS but you eat plenty of rice you may find yourself dumping rice wash water down the drain. What else could you do with it ??


Add it to a 5 gallon bucket of water and water your plants, or even water them directly with the rice wash water. 


In General Rice wash causes rice to loose up to:


7% Protene

30% Crude Fiber

15%Free amino acids

25% calcium

47% total phosphorus

11% Zinc

41% Potassium

And these are just a few of the elements that are disolved into the wash.


These elements can transfer to your soils microbes and allow them to feed and thus allow your plants to feed as well.

3) Coffee Grounds


Some are saying, yes I've heard this a 1000 times and yet they toss there coffee without considering what they are loosing. What can you do to make some excellent use of spent coffee grounds???


- Coffee Bokashi (Link Here)

-Add to Compost tea to enhance nitrogen

-add directly to soil

-add to worm bin

-add to compost pile


There is really no way to go wrong so just find a use that works for your style of gardening and roll with it!!!

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