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Coffee Ground Bokashi Bran! Free Fertilizer!!!


Here are the rough steps:


Weigh dry coffee grounds (if they are wet then estimate)
Weigh out 1/3 that amount of jaggery / brown sugar (flexible, can be up to 1/2)
Mix coffee grounds, sugar, and add Labs at 2 tsp per gal

Add enough water to make the mixture wet. It can be much wetter than normal compost, but no need to make a slurry, just make it nicely moist.


Ferment 30 to 60 days out of direct sunlight!!


PRO TIP- Only add a little coffee at a time, then pack it down. Then add a bit more and pack it down. The goal here is to pack down the ingredients so there is no air space left. Squeeze all the oxygen out of the substrate (bran, or in this case coffee grinds), so that fermentation can start immediately.


PRO TIP 2 - Leave as little airspace as possible above the substrate. If there is significant space in the container, I’m going to cover the top of the bokashi with a plastic bag and fill the bag with water. That will keep the top anaerobic.

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