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When should I use and airlock and why?


When should I use and airlock and why???











“A fermentation lock or airlock is a device used in fermentation that allows carbon dioxide (anaerobic) released during fermentation to escape the fermenter, while not allowing air to enter the fermenter, thus avoiding (aerobic)oxidation.”


An airlock has 2 main purposes:


  1. To maintain an anaerobic environment free from Oxygen. As the bacteria ferments, it pushes all the oxygen out and leaves only carbon dioxide and anaerobic conditions.

  2. To cultivate specific bacteria, this is why it’s used in beer and wine because you capture specific bacteria and then replicate it over and over, producing alcohol.



Fermentations to use Airlock: LABS why labs?? Your collecting diverse bacteria (lactobacillus) when doing the rice wash, then by air locking it your allowing those specific Lacto to reproduce thus providing a specific bacterial output.



Fermentations you DO NOT want to Airlock: FPJ / FFJ – These fermentations are about collecting diverse bacteria and air locking would limit that collection. Although I could see one doing a period of collection, followed by a time of airlock to maximize those anaerobic conditions.

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