2022 Outdoor Grow Guide
(For the best grow of your life)
*Coming soon*​
Natural Farming
Super Soil Recipe Improved, Large Large Batch :
 8 ten gallon bags of high quality Organic Potting Soil Such as “Dr. Earth or other”
 25 – 50 pounds of Organic Earthworm Castings
 5 pounds of Blood Meal (12-0-0)
 5 pounds of Bloom Bat Guano ( 0-5-0)
 5 pounds Fish Bone Meal ( 3-16-0)
 3 pounds Rock Phosphate (0-3-0)
 3/4 cup Epsom Salt
 1 cup Dolomite Lime
 1/2 cup Azomite
 2 table spoons (Tbs.) powdered Humic Acid
Subcool’s Super Soil Recipe Improved, Small Batch:
 1 ten gallon bag of high quality Organic Potting Soil Such as “Roots Organic Soil”
 3 to 6 pounds of Organic Earthworm Castings (1 lb. of casting = about 1 gal.)
 10 ounces of Blood Meal ( 10 oz. of blood meal = about 1 & 1/2 cups)
 10 ounces of Bloom Bat Guano ( 10 oz. of guano = about 1 cup)
 10 ounces Fish Bone Meal ( 10 oz. of bone meal = about 1 cup)
 6 ounces Rock Phosphate
 1&1/2 tablespoons Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate)
 2 tablespoons or 1 oz. (liquid measure)of Dolomite Lime
 1 tablespoons or 1/2 oz. (liquid measure) of Azomite (trace elements)
 1 teaspoon of powdered Humic Acid
What Are These Ingredients For ?
 Earthworm Castings = provide a rich variety of soluble plant nutrients with growth enhancing compounds. Also a diverse population of microbial life within a base of organic matter rich with nutrients.
 Blood Meal = organic source of nitrogen.
 Bone Meal = organic source of phosphorus
 Bat guano = organic source of phosphoric acid
 Rock Phosphate = organic source of phosphorus
 Epson Salts = organic source of magnesium sulfate which helps in breaking down nutrients in the soil making them available for plants use.
 Dolomite Lime = Organic lime that buffers the soils Ph levels to keep Ph stable
 Azomite = Organic compound that provides all trace elements a plant may need
 Humic Acid = Organic compound that improves nutrient uptake and stimulates
microbial activity.
Mix Ingredients Together, Then What ?
No, Subcool’s super soil isn’t ready to use quite yet. Next you want to “cook ” this mix.
No you’re not going to put in the oven you are going to re-bag the soil ( put it back into
the bag the base soil came out of) or put it into some other suitable container such as a
garbage can. Once into the storage container you want to water the mix lightly and mix
until all the soil is moist but not wet. You want the soil mix moist to activate the
mycorrhizae ( microbial activity) and begin dissolving the powdered ingredients. Don’t
forget to close your bags and put a lid on the garbage can. You want the containers
closed to trap the heat in. Just like a compost it will create its own heat. Now you want
to put your container somewhere where it can sit in the sun most of the day
and“cook”. You want this organic soil mix to “cook” for at least a month.
Cook Mix In The Sun ? Yes you want this organic mix to bake in the sun just like you
would a compost. In fact that is what you just mixed a Super Organic Soil Compost !
Because whole ingredients like, bone meal, blood meal, rock phosphate, azomite, and
the bat guano, need to break down, you want it to compost (cook). You do this so these
ingredients begin to break down into usable water-soluble particles that will then be
available to your medical marijuana plants.
No Time To Cook ? I don’t recommend not cooking your “super soil”. However if you
just can’t let it cook you do have another option. I haven’t always been able to let my
soil cook for a dispensary grow where I work . My solution was; with my first watering I
watered with one tablespoon of water-soluble Mycorrhizae, one tablespoon
of Magnesium Sulfate(Epsom salts), one teaspoon of powdered Humic Acid, and a
quarter of a teaspoon of Azomite. By watering the first time using these ingredients, it
seems to jump-start the biological process driven by the mycorrhizae micro-organisms
which in turn allows the natural production of available nutrients in the soil. These
measurements are for a 7 gallon pot. I have used this method on hundreds of plants
with excellent results. I must reiterate ; Cooking of the soil is the preferred method !
Not For Seedlings Or Clones ! This organic soil mix is not intended to plant seed in,
nor is it for cuttings, or for your newly rooted clones. This soil mix is too hot ( too many
available nutrients) for young plants roots. This soil mix is also too hot to use by itself.

Notes: Sub-Cools mix is a great soil mix but in our side by sides we found that this mix also lacks a potassium component and thus lacks the ability to build flowers and reuse your soils without the need to remix. It has nearly everything you need for a base soil mix but may require a full remix each cycle to keep up with the plants needs. Overall this is one of the best mixes and can grow you some great food and medicines.
Check out my own mix that I crafted especially for cannabis and for longevity and reusability.