2022 Outdoor Grow Guide
(For the best grow of your life)
*Coming soon*​
Natural Farming

Soil Amendments
Below is a list of Soil Amendments and what they do for your soil!!
Nitrogen *Vegetative Phase*
Feather Meal (Slow) (Slow Release Nitrogen Source for longevity)
Blood Meal (Fast) (Fast Release Nitrogen Source for quick uptake)
Bat Guano (N)* (Fast) (Flavor enhancer)
Phosphorus *Transitional Phase*
Bone Meal (Slow) (Slow Release Phosphorus for longevity)
Fish Bone Meal (Fast) (Fast Release Phosphorus for quick uptake)
Bat Guano (P)* (Fast) (Flavor enhancer)
Potassium *Flowering Phase*
Langbeinite (Fast) (Fast Release Potassium)
Flower Girl (Slow) (Slow Release Potassium)
Green Sand (Slow release iron, potassium and magnesium booster and soil conditioner)
GENERAL *All Purpose*
Dr. Earths 4-4-4 (Slow) (General purpose Organic Slow release amendment)
BioFish 7-7-2 (Fast) (Fish based general purpose Veg and pre flower booster)
Micronutrient *Feeds Microbes*
Crab Shell Meal (Crab Shell is high in Chitin (Kite-en), which promotes the growth of Chitin eating bacteria in the soil. It will help eliminate Ants, Grubs, Fungus and Root Nematodes, because they are all Chitin based in structure. Put around plants, Crab Shell will keep Slugs and snails off.)
Neem Ninja ( Pest Detourant, Feeds microorganisms, enhances other ferts due to inhibiting nitrification, Slow release so no worry for burn and good even distribution of elements)
Steer Manure (Micro Bacteria enhancer and organic microbe booster)
Bokashi (Micronutrient Bacterial booster and Microorganism enhancer)
Kelp Meal (source of 70+ micronutrients and Minerals, works with Humic Acids to improve uptake)
Alfalfa Meal 3-1-2 (Sugars, starches, and proteins and minerals. Microbe feeder with perfect C:N ratio of 24:1 great for feeding microbes, also fixes nitrogen stimulates composting)
Insect Frass ( Beneficial microbes, Micro nutrient, chitin containing helping fortify cell walls triggering immune system of the plant)
Organic Rice (Feeds microbes and provides a base for fungi development)
Organic Oats (Fees microbes and provides food for fungi development)
Trace Minerals and Soil Conditioners
Azomite ( Organic compound that provides trace elements a plant needs)
Dolomite lime (Organic lime helps buffer the soils PH and keep it stable)
Epsom Salt (Fast Release Magnesium boost and pest deterrent)
Oyster Sells (Slow Release Calcium and Micronutrient booster)
Gypsum (Calcium booster and soil conditioner)
Rock Dust (RE-Mineralizer and provides trace elements)
Humic Acid (Improved uptake of nutrients and stimulation of microbial growth increases available nutrients and decreases toxins by binding them)
*Humic acids and seaweed extracts, when used together in a 5:2 ratio, work 50% more effectively than either product used alone.
*Rock Dust is 200% more available when used with Humic Acid. Use when composting since Humic acids are release during the composting.
*Bat Guano's are added for flavor primarily, feel free to mix and match as you the gardener see fit.