2022 Outdoor Grow Guide
(For the best grow of your life)
*Coming soon*​
Natural Farming
Roberto's Brew

Step 1: Rice Wash (LABS By Roberto)
1 Cup of Rice
1 Cup of Clean Chlorine free water
1 Pint Jar w lid
1 Coffee Filter
Place Water and Rice in Jar.
Secure lid on Jar and Shake Jar for 5 minutes
Strain out the rice and keep the white water
Place 1 coffee filter on top of jar and secure the band without the lid so it can breath.
Place Jar (on top of your fridge) at room temperature.
1 week for bacteria from the air to fall into your jar.
Make 2 just in case you get contaminated.
After 1 week strain Rice wash through a strainer and place the lid on securely.

Step 2: LABS (Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum)
1 Part Rice Wash (1 cup)
10 Parts Milk (½ Gallon)
1 Gallon Glass Jug (Apple Juice Jug)
3 Coffee Filters
1 Rubber band
Place rice wash and milk in the jug
Give it a swirl/mix.
Cut the 3 coffee Filters in half and now you got 6 halves.
Place the filters on top of the jug and secure with a rubber band.
Place the Jug on top of the fridge.
Wait 1 week for the Separation to occur of the Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum.
After 1 week Strain and Separate the Serum from the Curd (Cheese).
The Yellow Liquid is called Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS)
The Cheese can be used as a top dressing for your Flowering Plants Soil.
Proceed to Step 3.

Step 3: AEM1 (Activated Essential Micro Organisms)
1 Part LABS (1 Quart)
1 Part Molasses (1 Quart)
20 Parts Non Chlorine Water
1 x 5 Gallon Carboy Glass Jug or Bucket
1 Air Lock
1 Stopper
Place Water, Molasses and Labs in the 5 Gallon Jug.
Secure Tight the Air Lock and Stopper on Jug .
Don’t Forget to add water to the Air Lock.
Place the Jug back in the box it came in.
Place Box in the Flowering room for 3 weeks to diffuse CO2 Gas to the plants.
After brewing for 3 weeks test the Ph to be 3.5 Ph.
After testing make sure there is no more pressure produced from the brew.
Pour solution in Jars and secure the lid tight.
Store Jars at room Temperature for 3 Months Max.
Feed Plants from all stages at a rate of 1 Pint of Activated Essential Micro
Organisms x 5 Gallons of clean water.

Step 4: Flower Power
1 Quart of LABS
4.5 Gallons of Non Chlorine Water
1 x 5 Gallon Bucket
1 x bucket lid and air lock
Organic Matter (Flowers,Fruits,Vegetables,Coconuts,Bugs,Pumpkins,Bananas)
**Special Note**
No Meat or Citrus
Place All your Organic Matter in the bucket and add water with LABS.
Cover bucket with lid and remember to fill the airlock with water.
Let it sit outside when the weather is 40+ degrees.
After 3 weeks of Fermenting it should have a White Layer on top of the water.
Let it sit another week to ferment further.
Now its been 1 month go ahead and take out 1 Quart of solution and replace with 1
Quart of clean Non Chlorine Water.
Go Ahead and Add the 1 Quart Solution of Flower Power to 5 Gallons of Clean Water.
Test your PPM
Week 1 =100 PPM
Week 8 = 800 PPM
No Need to Test PH
Don’t foliar feed with this solution.
Feed All Flowering Plant